Robot Mobile App

Android app for interfacing with autonomous robot

Project Workflow

  1. Collaborated with manager and senior developer on functionality and feature metrics, and established critical timeline

  2. Researched and incorporated relevant third party open source implementations

  3. Designed front-end mobile app appearance based on hypothesized user flow.

  4. Implemented functionality and integrated with back-end wirelessly.

  5. Performed unit, functional, and integrated testing to confirm software consistency

Soon after graduation, I took my first step into the software industry as a developer. My job was to create a fully functioning mobile app that provides users an interface to visualize the status of the company's proprietary autonomous robot; spoiler alert: that is exactly what I delivered!

With only a few weeks of experience in the main development language, JavaScript, I quickly set out to construct a functional prototype to gather feedback from my manager. As the old saying goes, "fail fast, learn fast", the project evolved quickly from the initial design through the frequent feedback and consistent mentorship from members of my team.

6 months was over in a blink of an eye, and the two page app that is currently versioned in the company's repository is unrecognizable from the scrappy and clonky initial design.  The final design went above and beyond the original specification set out in the user story, providing the end user the ability to track, direct, and control the robot in real time. Regrettably, I was unable to implement autonomous testing of the front-end codebase, but I am happy with my contribution to this company and to software that improves accessibility.